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Extended Reality
Augmented Reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the user’s environment in real time, i.e. users experience a real-world environment with digital information overlaid on top of it.
Example: Outdoor AR game “School Journey of Toots” at Palamuse Museum
Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated environment making the participant feel the presence and immersiveness. As we say, one reality at a time. 😉
Example: Visitors in the Time Portal “VR Toila 1938”
3D Laser Scanning is the process to gather detailed information from your fingertips to large houses and surrounding environments in a very short time.
Laser scanning of Freedom Square
Harju St. 34 in 3D
Harju St. 32 in 3D
Objects from museum collection
Objects from museum collection
Objects from museum collection
Laser scanning of an old mill
3D model of the mill
3D projection mapping is a projection technique by which three-dimensional objects are spatially mapped on the virtual program which mimics the real environment they are to be projected on.
3D hologram is a 3D projection created by the refraction of light that floats in the air. Unlike a traditional photo, a hologram is a three-dimensional image, and unlike VR/AR applications, 3D holograms are visible to multiple people at the same time.
Example: 3D hologram bees next to the ancient beehive at the Saatse museum