Come and see how Tallinn looked like in 1939 and experience the devastation it suffered in World War II in March 1944. This VR experience is an immersive journey through time.
After the time travel, you will see Tallinn differently and understand Estonia and Estonians better. The Virtual Reality Time Travelling Experience ‘VR Tallinn 1939/44’ offers two virtual tours, and our visitors suggest taking both parts for the full experience and story.
The tour is accompanied by an audio guide that tells the story of Estonia and Tallinn in nine languages.
Take a trip back in time to 1939 and experience the authentic feel of the former most prominent street of the city in all its beauty! Every house, every sign, every shop window has been restored.
Come borrow our VR glasses and find out what Harju Street looked like in the early morning hours and in the evening twilight, when the neon advertisements of businesses glow. At the end of a long day, catch your breath in the Kuld Lõvi suite.
The journey back in time to 1944 begins on the evening of March 9 at 6 p.m. The third year of Nazi German occupation continues in Estonia. You will experience the extent of the destruction of the March bombing and stand in the ruins of Harju Street.
Come and learn about the fateful events of March 9 and 10, 1944 for Harju Street.